Support Our Teachers
Thank you for donating!
$5-$15 per week, sliding scale
This short and simple video shows you how to pay on PayPal!
Be sure to:
Pay as a friend to avoid fees
Write 'TCD' and the date in the comment field
Thank you! Your contribution will help us keep dancing.
Note: Avoid using a credit card if possible so that your bank will not charge you cash advance fees. If you have difficulty using Paypal, see the additional payment options below.
NEW: Exclusive Interview
Instead of donating this week, consider watching an exclusive interview for a pay-what-you-can donation! Our most recent live Q&A was with Andy Taylor-Blenis.
Proceeds from the interview will be split between the Conny Taylor Oktoberfest Scholarship and a GoFundMe in memory of longtime dancer Donna La Rue.
Prefer not to use PayPal?
Here are other ways to donate! Remember to write the date and TCD or Tuesday Copley Dance in the comment field or check memo line.